The 5 most common vaginal discomforts are itching, burning, vaginal dryness, discharge, sometimes combined with an unpleasant smell, and irritation or pain during or after intercourse. The cause of these symptoms is not always well defined or easily diagnosed, and it’s therefore important that you consult your doctor or gynaecologist if you experience one or more of these discomforts.
Κολπική Υγιεινή
A burning sensation in the vaginal area is usually caused by an irritation of the skin as a consequence of itching and scratching, or due to an infection of the vagina or urethra. This feeling can start suddenly or can build up over several weeks. It is important to contact a healthcare professional who will take your medical history and perform a vaginal examination, in order to provide the right treatment. In case of an infectious cause, the treatment will most often include antibiotics or antimycotics.
Discharge or unpleasant smell
Vaginal dryness is most often linked to menopause, although women of all ages can suffer from it. Its symptoms include itching, burning, pain during intercourse and soreness in the intimate area.
avoid scented pads, panty liners
ΙΑΤΡΟΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΑΠΟΤΕΣΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΑΝΤΙΜΕΤΩΠΙΣΗ ΚΟΛΠΙΚΗ ΥΓΙΕΙΝΗ ΑΡΘΡΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ EVERYDAYVAGINA TESTIMONIALS ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΑ για τη ΚΟΛΠΙΚΗ ΥΓΙΕΙΝΗ Ανακαλύψτε τις Δυνατότητες Κάθε γυναίκα θα αντιμετωπίσει κάποια κολπική διαταραχή σε κάποια στιγμή ...